Saturday, October 31, 2015

Masquerade Paper Doll -- Collaboration with Paper Thin Personas

Happy Halloween!  Today is a big deal in my house. I love Halloween and my boys do, too.  As I mentioned recently, Rachel from Paper Thin Personas, boots with her new site Pop Culture Paper Dolls and I decided to do a paper doll round-robin.

It was a great success!

We had numerous submissions.  We decided to split them into three pdfs, so you'll have to go to each site to get the complete set.  I have the first section, which includes the base doll, and an overview here.  You'll have to visit the other two sites -- I suspect many of you are already familiar with Paper Thin Personas and Pop Culture Paper Dolls is going to be amazing! Well worth visiting...

One more thing before I share the doll.  I want to say a special thank you to the children who participated.  I have always felt that paper dolls are a lovely art form, but above all else, they're toys.  They are engaging, creative, fun toys and it's no secret that I developed my love of art in part because of paper dolls.  So thank you to my youngest contributors.  I'm always eager to see new artists develop their talents.  Keep drawing!

Grab the first pdf here.

Visit Paper Thin Personas and Pop Culture Paper Dolls to round out your collection!

Have a happy, sugar-filled, and safe Halloween!!


  1. I completely agree that seeing the kids paper dolls was a fun part of the project. I had such a blast. Thank you for thinking of asking others to join us. I was so convinced that no one would and look at the results!

    Boy was I wrong. :)

    We should do this next year when we've all recovered from the intensity.

  2. i love that there are some already in color and some that can be colored. that makes for a nice mix! : D

  3. It took some effort to complete, but I'm pleased with how it turned out. We should start a Halloween doll in May next year :) Never too early....


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