
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Halloween Paper Doll Round-Robin

It's October and I have already said way too many times that I love Halloween.  What better way to spend October than by drawing paper dolls?  Rachel over at Paper Thin Personas agrees and we've decided to launch a collaboration project!

I drew the masquerade base doll.  It's been ages since I drew a crazy awesome gown and when Rachel suggested it, I was totally on board! We have some artists who are ready to draw along with us and we're hoping that our readers will join us, too.

How this Works: 
Step 1: Download the paper doll (PDF is here or right-click on the jpg in the post)
Step 2: Print the file at Full Size or Open the file with your favorite graphics editor.
Step 3: Draw a masquerade gown. It can be in color or black and white. No judgement here. Just create something that inspires you.
Step 4. Save or scan your gown at 300 dpi as a JPG or PNG. (This part is important to I can make sure all the gowns are high quality for the finished set.)
Step 4: Email your gown to me at  or Julie at before Midnight (Eastern Time) on the 24th of October. Be sure to include how you’d like to be credited and if you want to say something about your design, than tell us that too!
Step 5: Wait until the 31st of October when Rachel and I will post the finished gowns and the doll, all ready to attend the Masquerade Ball!

Rachel and I are both really excited about this project!  We're hoping you are, too.  So, sharpen your pencil and jump into this project with us! 


  1. Replies
    1. Make sure you send me or Rachel an outfit or two! I'd love to see what you come up with.

  2. My little girls love your paper dolls, so they have big plans to practice every day and then have me scan in their very best work. 😄

    1. I'm always happy to hear that kids love my dolls! I mean, really, I'm happy when ANYONE likes them, but especially kids. Paper dolls were a big part of my childhood & it's nice to know that today's kids still play with them. Even my sons like the "boy" ones....

      I'm eager to see what the girls come up with! I need to make some black & white toddler paper dolls for coloring. Coloring pages tend to be popular with kids....
