
Monday, August 10, 2015

Tutorial Round Up

I'm constantly looking for ways to improve my art, whether it's drawing or painting, digital painting or vector art.  There's always something new to learn.  Today I want to share a few tutorials and techniques I've come across recently.

How to Make Super Fly Paper People by The Cotton Project (tumblr)
This isn't a paper doll like I make (you know, a doll and wardrobe).  It is, technically, a paper doll and such an awesome one!  The link takes you to the first part of the tutorial and there's a link at the end of it for the second part.  This artist takes an original drawing and uses tracing paper & construction paper to literally build a paper doll.  It's pretty cool and I recommend checking it out.

Step by Step Portrait by Katikut
I found this tutorial on Pinterest and it changed the way I thought about coloring faces.  Turns out, Katikut has several amazing tutorials, both written and video.  Check them all out -- they're great.

How I Mostly Color by Pernille Orum (tumblr)
I'm not a big fan of Tumblr, but there's some great art and terrific tutorials to be found there.  This is one of them.  I like the way this artist incorporates so much color into the shadows and highlights of her painting.  It's easy to make black shadows, but shadows are not black, generally.  There's a lot of depth in the color choices here.  Also, check out the rest of her site.  Amazing inspiration for paper dolls!

Hair Coloring Tutorial by lostie815
I love this tutorial! It shows a great technique for coloring hair as well as a list of things to avoid.  And really, a lot of Photoshop tutorials (like this one) could work with real-world paint, too, with just minor adaptations. 

And lastly, thought not a tutorial, I love this Steven Universe fanart paper doll by Purpura Imperial on tumblr.

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