Friday, April 10, 2015

Toddler Fashion Friday - Shelby

Just a quick toddler post today.  It's been a crazy week. Again.  I feel like it's just going to get crazier as the kids get older.

Part of it, though, is a project I'm working on.  I'm playing with some new techniques in Photoshop and I'm hoping to share a tutorial on Monday.  We'll see if that actually happens...!

Today we've got Shelby, based on Sarah.  I love the bright green & yellow!  It's a dreary day here in New England.  Spring feels far off even though I know it'll be beautiful tomorrow.  So I'm fighting the fog with bright colors!


  1. I feel like I should learn to say something other than, "she's so cute" when I look at these toddler paper dolls. The problem is that they are so cute. :)

    It makes me want to draw small children- even though small children are usually way outside my comfort zone.

    1. They are cute, so I'm totally ok with you saying it :) I'm not big on drawing children myself and that was part of the reason I started this series. Now that I've been working on kids, I'm amazed it took me this long! You should go for it!


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