
Friday, March 6, 2015

Toddler Fashion Friday - Kelly

First of all, I have a bit of a mystery on my hands.  I'm not an SEO genius so this is a bit perplexing -- I've had lots of people visiting my little paper doll blog this week.  Lots!  And I am super excited about it!  I'd like to think it's because everyone is having as much fun with my toddler paper dolls as I am.  This week's is another one that really hit its mark.

This doll is based on Kaylee, which itself is named for one of my nieces.  I have one niece who is totally hooked on paper dolls already and I love it, naturally! Each of these toddler dolls borrows elements from previous ones for the sake of speed, but in each set I try to create at least one new wardrobe piece.  In this case, I created 3.  I believe in flexibility & efficiency.  I'm not going to draw a new pair of pants for each of these dolls when I can just recolor one set! 

Also on the news front, I just found out that Barnes and Noble's online store is carrying a few of my paper dolls books!!  There's another Julie Matthews represented there as well, and I wish her much success!  That's part of the reason why I try to sign my work with my maiden name as well.  I knew there was at least one more Julie Matthews out there (a musician).

Anyway, check out the new doll.  Check out the paper doll books at B&N (and here -- I  have links to the books here, too, which I need to update....)  Enjoy the new toddler doll!


  1. If you have Google Analytics set up, it's pretty easy to see who your referrers are. That's how I track unexpected spikes in my traffic. Feel free to email me and I can talk you through it sometime if you want to try it out. :)

    Meanwhile, I am seriously enjoying your toddler paper dolls. This one feels wonderfully autumnal to me.

    1. I will definitely email you! Thanks for the offer!!

      This doll does have an autumnal feel to it. I love these colors! And I'm really enjoying making these dolls & the response has been so positive! It means so much when people enjoy my art.
