
Friday, January 30, 2015

Toddler Fashion Friday - Octavia

You would think that a multi-day snowstorm would give me plenty of time to create paper dolls for this little blog.

You would be wrong!

We had a monster storm hit and my town received 32 inches of snow.  That's about the same height as my not-quite 3 year old son! Seriously, we got a "toddler" of snow.  Boston basically shut down, and in the far reaches of the outer-outer suburbs where I live, the kids have had 4 days off from school!

My kids were super excited about the snow.  So between taking them out in the snow and my husband working from home (and shoveling!), there wasn't as much time to create paper dolls as I would have liked.

Regardless, I did manage to finish up Octavia today.

Octavia was influenced by Olivia.  This is a little summery for the winter wonderland out my window! The Olivia set always felt like two wardrobes and this doll does, too.  I liked the plaid, the green, and the "leather" coat.  They don't feel like a cohesive group, but they don't contrast overwhelmingly either.  Anyway, it's a cute set and I like the ways these dolls are coming together.
Also, I have a new paper doll book to share on Monday.  Look for that! 

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