
Friday, April 25, 2014

Fairy Tale Fashion Friday - Rapunzel

It's another Fairy Tale Fashion Friday!  This is my favorite - Rapunzel.  It's for entirely vain reason!  For most of my life, I've had ridiculously long hair.  It's mainly out of laziness.  I'm absolutely THE WORST client for a hairdresser.  Getting a haircut makes me miserable.  So I let me hair grow until it gets out of control.  I literally get my hair cut about once every 5 years.

And two weeks ago, I cut my hair.  All of it.  I went from waist length hair to chin length! It was very liberating.  And it inspired this doll.

So enough about me.  Here's the doll!  The pdf file is huge so it'll take a minute to download.  It's also a two page doll!  I had fun creating a new brush to make the braid, so you'll see more braids on future dolls.  I forgot to note that the white sections on the wigs need to be cut out.  The whole second page is just outfits.



  1. She's wonderful. I love both the long hair and the braid, also those cute purple boots. :) I like Rapunzel, but after watching Into the Woods, I've never been to think the same about the trauma of locking a girl in a tower for 18 years.
