
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Plenty to be Thankful For

I was reading another paper doll artist's Facebook feed last night and I was really struck by his fan base.  I don't want to specify who, but needless to say, he creates beautiful work and has quite a following.  Anyway, a woman commented on his site to thank him.  I'm not quoting directly or anything, but she wanted to express how grateful she was that he had so many free dolls to download.  Her family is on a tight budget and his dolls allow her to indulge her two little girls with a new toy that they might not otherwise have.  Not only did it bring a tear to my eye, but it makes me happy & grateful to do what I do.

Sure, I'm trying to launch a paper doll business, but I'm also part of a community of awesome artists and fantastic collectors, and, ultimately, that's what matters.  Do what you love & try to make a living from it, but remember who got you there.  I've been writing this blog for a little less than 6 months and the amount of people reading it has skyrocketed beyond my expectations.  I will ALWAYS have free downloads, as well as dolls to purchase.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving this month (in the US at least), I want to say thank you to those who read the blog, visit my deviantArt page, look at my portfolio, as well as those who download and/or buy my dolls.  It means a lot to me.

AND... here's a Thanksgiving doll.  It's one of the PaperJanes.  If you want the complete set (can be customized!), visit the Etsy store. Edit November 2015:  The Etsy project didn't work out. I may try again at some point....! Enjoy the doll anyway :)

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